JKSimBlast is a comprehensive software package for blasting in mines and similar operations. It is available as separate stand-alone modules and three packages.
2DBench - surface blast design and analysis
2DRing - underground blast design and analysis
2DFace - tunnel blast design and analysis
JKBMS - blast management system
2DView - extended blast analysis
TimeHEx - extended timing analysis
Surface - 2DBench, JKBMS, 2DView, TimeHEx
Underground - 2DRing, JKBMS, 2DView, TimeHEx
Tunnelling - 2DFace, JKBMS, 2DView, TimeHEx
With JKSimBlast you can :
- draw or import excavation outlines (benches, drives, boundaries, etc)
- drill blast holes, single or patterns, or import designed or surveyed holes
- load decks of explosives, stemming or any other material
- insert downhole and surface delays
- simulate the detonation sequence on screen
- analyse energy and timing effects, contour blast hole data
- print tables and scale plans
- link blasts to related data (reports, spreadsheets, photos, etc)
- organise / search / filter blast data by mine, area, domain, rock type, blast type or any other criteria